
Freeware Krita 5.1.1

Krita 5.1.1 release notes:

  • Krita 5.1.1 is strictly a bug fix release. Two serious problems are fixed in this release: a slowdown in start-up time experienced by some people, and a crash when copying a vector layer.

Other fixes are:

  • Native macOS touchpad gestures should now work properly. BUG:456446
  • On Android, the application size no longer increases because swap files did not get deleted.
  • On Android, a possible crash on startup is fixed. BUG:458907
  • Several issues with the MyPaint brush engine were fixed. The MyPaint eraser now uses the proper brush settings, and the unusable blend mode selector is now disabled if a MyPaint brush has been selected. BUG:453054, BUG:445206
  • For Animation, the “start numbering at” when exporting an image sequence has been fixed. BUG:458997
  • Krita no longer crashes if the user has removed the kritadefault.profile canvas input profile from both the installation and the runtime folder
  • On reading ACO palettes, the color swatch name is now read and set on the swatch. BUG:458209
  • Fix a crash when selecting a layer in the layerbox. BUG:458546
  • Improve slider steps for the fade, ratio and similar color selection threshold
  • When moving paintable nodes, the canvas is updated only once.
  • Provide the workaround for OpenGL canvas showing black rectangles if there’s more than one assistant visible to all platforms. BUG:401940
  • Improve the performance of working with ZIP files, like .kra and .ora files.
  • Fix opening single-layer PSD files. BUG:458556
  • Make the Update link in the welcome widget clickable. BUG:458034
  • JPEG-XL: Fix linear HDR export and float 16 import. BUG:458054
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